How to install Prism.js with NPM for Web

Article author Jelle de Vries
Jelle de Vries
August 13, 2022 (Updated August 24, 2022)

Prism.js lists various installation methods in their documentation. When I first tried installing it I was a bit confused as to how to install it using NPM, how to load themes, and how to load the languages I was trying to highlight.

This post explains how you can install Prism.js with NPM, how to load themes, and how to load languages you want to highlight.

You can use this with HTML and vanilla Javascript, Vue, React, etc.

Scroll to full solution

1. Installing Prism.js

First, install Prism.js by running the following command:

npm install prismjs

Next, go to your main Javascript file and import Prism.js with the following statement:

// Import Prism.js
import 'prismjs';

2. Load the languages you want to highlight

When you import Prism.js, by default it only loads code highlighting for the following languages: "markup, css, clike and javascript".

To load different languages, use the following statement:

// Load the languages you want to highlight
// @see for an overview of all languages
import 'prismjs/components/prism-markup-templating';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-php';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-java';

3. Load the theme (colors used for highlighting)

Next, we need to load the stylesheet used for coloring the highlighted code. There are 3 routes we can take:

3.1 Load a default theme

Prism.js ships with a few default themes, you can preview them here: (press the buttons on the right side of the screen to change the theme):

Load the theme by using the following statement:

// Option 1: Load a default theme (included in the 'prismjs' package)
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css';

3.2 Load a 'prism-themes' theme

There is also a package containing a variety of extra Prism.js themes. A showcase of all of them can be found on the package's GitHub page:

First install the package:

npm install prism-themes

Load it with the following statement:

// Option 2: Import an extra theme (included in the 'prism-themes' package)
import 'prism-themes/themes/prism-coldark-dark.css';

3.3 Create your own theme

You can also create your own theme. You can create a CSS file manually, but there is also a generator you can use to ease the process and preview your theme:

After creating the theme, press the 'Download CSS' button to download your theme's CSS file, and load it:

// Option 3: Load your own theme:
import 'path/to/your/theme/your-theme-name.css';

4. Write an HTML code block

Add a class to your code block structured as language-{language} with block's language. This allows Prism.js to apply the language highlighting inside the block.

<pre><code class="language-javascript">const test = () => console.log('test!');</code></pre>

Results in:

const test = () => console.log('test!');

5. The complete solution

// Import Prism.js
import 'prismjs';

// Load the languages you want to highlight
// @see for an overview of all languages
import 'prismjs/components/prism-markup-templating';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-php';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-java';

// Option 1: Load a default theme (included in the 'prismjs' package)
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css';

// Option 2: Import an extra theme (included in the 'prism-themes' package)
import 'prism-themes/themes/prism-coldark-dark.css';

// Option 3: Load your own theme:
import 'path/to/your/theme/your-theme-name.css';
<pre><code class="language-javascript">const test = () => console.log('test!');</code></pre>
